Friday, November 11, 2011

Final Etymology Post

Well, this will probably be my last post ever. And its my 45th, so at least I get to end on a good solid number. I find the most time to read during the weekend. I can just pick up and book, and not have to move from the couch. I get totally absorbed into the world of my novel and I can't stop. This doesn't happen every weekend, because a lot of the time I am busy, but there's no better way to spend an afternoon relaxing than to be a couch potato with a good book. I also found myself reading quite a bit when I babysit. The kids seem to be in bed a good part of the time, so I would bring my book and get my 150 pages out of the way, just in case I couldn't make time during the week. I must read in silence. If I try to listen to music, i would end up singing along to the songs and would stay on the same page for hours. I always tell my best friend what I am reading and almost always, she wants to read it as soon as i am done. We've read a lot of the same books in the last year and I like being able to talk about them with her. I will most definitely be one of the old ladies who finds herself in a book club with a bunch of other older women who have nothing better to do on a weekday afternoon than talk about a book. I don't find it challenging at all to meet the requirement, and I honestly expected a bigger commitment than 150 pages.

So what now?

Well, i've kept up reading Her Mother's Hope and I truly recommend it. Obviously, i've grown to love Francine Rivers and every single novel that i've read of hers. She writes about the issues that no one else really wants to talk about, such as prostitution, abortion, abuse, and she loves to go into the grim details. She shows her viewpoint on the topic, and she comments on the hypocrites in society. I've never read an author who does this so well. I've had this obsession since I saw the movie Aquamarine, of dyeing a part of my hair aquamarine. For anyone who has seen the movie, you know what i am talking about. The three girls go on a shopping spree in the city and they all dye little sections of their hair this gorgeous blue color. Now, im not emo or anything, and i'm not usually one who tries to stand out too much, but this is something fun I just feel like doing. I am a total goody-two-shoes, so to do something that my parents wouldn't necessarily approve of intrigues me. This is all my senior year rebellion is going to entail. And i am so unbelievably excited!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'd do it for love

I finally downloaded a blogger app on my I touch! I know it's the last week of blogs, but who cares. I've read some more of Her Mothers Hope and it changed quite a bit and got really good. Marta meets this man Niclas and she falls head over heels. They get married and he decides he wants to be a farmer because he lost his engineering job. Therefore he wants Marta to give up the boarding house she established herself. This doesnt go over very well. They live apart for like 9 months! I feel like Marta was right and Niclas was stupid to think there was money to be made in his new farm. But at the same time, im so happy that Marta found someone! She never thought she would marry because she isn't drop dead gorgeous. However, once she met this man, she began questioning if this is what love feels like, and her heart was doing flips inside her chest. I just can't wait for that moment. I cannot wait to find a man who loves me and cares for me and treats me right. And I can't wait to be all this and more for him. This is the greatest relationship/blessing God gives us and I intend to get joy out of it. Someone who can make you laugh, yet will be there when you cry. A best friend. I've been blessed enough to have found my best female friends, but I cannot wait to find those qualities in a man.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This week I read 150 pages and last week I read 193 making my semester total 3464 pages. I am reading Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers. Here are my 3 favorite sentences.

1. "One more thing I need before we leave, Frau Meyer. Marta slapped the woman hard across the face. That's for the mark you left on my sister. Gasping, Frau Meyer backed into the drapes. Marta slapped her across the other cheek. And that's for insulting her." All I have to say about this is YOU GO GIRL. Finally, a woman who makes a statement for somethings she believes in.

2. "Despite evidence of the beating he had given her, Papa insisted everyone attend services." Papa isn't ashamed of the beating he has given her, and makes her display her beaten face in public.

3. "I'd rather work for myself than work to put money in someone else's pocket!"

Oh Submissive Women....

Ive read even more of Her Mother's Hope and I love it even more! The jerk of a father sends his dreadful daughter Marta away to a boarding house/manner-learning school, which ends up being a scam. Marta, who has been harshly affected by her father's criticism, is full of spunk. The Leader Lady of the boarding house summons Marta to get her to make uniforms for all the girls. Marta charges her a hefty price, which is followed by an argument during which Marta stands firm and refuses to let this Lady cheat her out of her hard earned cash, like her father allowed to happen to her mother. I really admire girls who have spunk. They are so much more entertaining to read about than those ones who are submissive and passive to everything. Heck, if this father lived in the time of the Roman's, his wife would have poisoned him! For some reason now, women are so desperate to be loved that they take men's crap.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

And yet again

Well I started my FOURTH Francine Rivers book this week! And i saw that Bakeface Space is reading the same one. Her Mother's Hope is amazing and its definitely one of my favorite of her books. Its about a girl whose father despises her and beats her and blames her for all of the family's problems. Like her brother flunking school. Apparently since she gets good marks, and her brother doesn't, its all her fault and she should be punished. Her father then makes her drop school and sells her to local people to do odd jobs like 16 hours a day. And she never sees a cent of the money nor is she allowed to inquire about it. Her younger sister is strikingly beautiful and her father treasures her. He would never hit her gorgeous face. Luckily the whipping boy of a daughter Marta, has some spunk and decides to stop taking her father's crap and leaves. She shows each of her employers how wonderful of a work ethic and skill she has and makes each of them love her. Her father also tries to send her away to this boarding school/manner-learning house which ends up being a total scam. Too bad Marta controls the place and tells the Leader Lady what she thinks. When the lady approaches her because of her amazing sewing skills, she charges the Lady a great sum and defends her hefty price. She is not about to let this lady cheat her out of hard, well earned money like her father always let be cheated out of her mother. I just love reading about women who have spunk. Its so much more interesting than women who are submissive to everything and take men's crap. Why don't they do like they did in Rome and just poison their husbands who got out of control?