Friday, November 11, 2011

So what now?

Well, i've kept up reading Her Mother's Hope and I truly recommend it. Obviously, i've grown to love Francine Rivers and every single novel that i've read of hers. She writes about the issues that no one else really wants to talk about, such as prostitution, abortion, abuse, and she loves to go into the grim details. She shows her viewpoint on the topic, and she comments on the hypocrites in society. I've never read an author who does this so well. I've had this obsession since I saw the movie Aquamarine, of dyeing a part of my hair aquamarine. For anyone who has seen the movie, you know what i am talking about. The three girls go on a shopping spree in the city and they all dye little sections of their hair this gorgeous blue color. Now, im not emo or anything, and i'm not usually one who tries to stand out too much, but this is something fun I just feel like doing. I am a total goody-two-shoes, so to do something that my parents wouldn't necessarily approve of intrigues me. This is all my senior year rebellion is going to entail. And i am so unbelievably excited!

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