Thursday, September 8, 2011


For this 100 pages only, I am reading Joker One. Makes my total 906 pages.

1) "My job description was twofold: 1) Save lives and 2) Take lives. Not necessarily in that order." I can't imagine being in a job where my performance, which was measured by the men i killed, affected the lives of so many others.

2,3) "You can't think of home, you can't miss your wife, and you can't wonder how it would feel to take a round through your neck. You can only pretend that you're already dead and thus free yourself up to focus on three things: 1) finding and killing the enemy, 2) communicating the situation and resulting actions to adjacent units and higher headquarters, and 3) triaging and treating your wounded. If you love your men, you naturally think about number three first, but if you do, you're wrong. The grim logic of combat dictates that numbers one and two take precedence." I just can't see myself ever getting into that mindset. Ever. I couldn't imagine getting shot, but if I was in war, thats all I would think about. 24-7. 365.

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