Friday, September 30, 2011


Staying up until midnight, I finally finished The Search by Nora Roberts. As the serial killer drew closer, I was expecting some big shindig of a showdown between the victim and her killer. I didn't get what I expected and that greatly disappointed me. Usually in a scary movie, the best part is the confrontation at the end where the victim is in disarray and the predator is pausing to chat before he finishes her off. However, almost all movies end with the victim alive, which makes it pretty predictable.
I've decided not to do this book for my book talk solely because there is so much sexual content, my rating has changed to R. If I was the author, I wouldn't have chosen to add all of that unneeded information, but apparently Nora Roberts thinks it adds to the story line. It just makes me feel uncomfortable to read so I normally try to just skip over it.
I will probably give Nora Roberts another try in the future because I really liked the story line and the topics that it talked about. I just hope I can find one that isn't R status.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you didn't stay up til midnight because you were helping me for so long....but thanks again. You helped me a lot, i take it next perod and I'm a little nervous!!! Ahhh! I want it to be Saturday night! hope you have a fun weekend at Purdue and NO DRINKING! hahaha...god i sound like ur mom! but text me if you get bored hahah. and meet TWO, not ONE, but TWO cute and guys and get their numbers!!!

    your best friend!
