Thursday, October 13, 2011

Believing the Worst

Well, since I didn't have to go to school yesterday, i made a lot of progress in my book and finally finished it today in my car as i waited before key club started. The pastor did end up repenting and seeing that all he was doing was to glorify himself instead of God. The problem was that it took 400 pages, including his wife walking in on his affair, his father dying, his son moving across the country, his mother staying distant, and the loss of all his friends for him to even consider that he might have done something wrong. And after those LONG 400 pages, there was a small 25 pages that detailed how he repented and got his wife to come home and asked for forgiveness of all the people he had wronged. classic story book ending. I was just really disappointed in the fact that there was almost no description as to how his heart changed and I didn't really feel like it did. I felt like his wife was just submissive as she had been the whole novel and went back to him. And that the forgiveness he asked for from all of his friends was just an act. Maybe thats because i tend to believe the worst in people, and i just wasnt convinced of his "volte-face' HAHA etymology word! Bonus point!
On the topic of believing the worst in people, I just want to clarify a little. I am all for forgiveness and such but this week has just been awful when it comes to people. My counselor is totally giving me the cold shoulder and hasn't contacted me back in over a week, despite my constant nags. One of my good guy friends decided to yell at me in public for something that didn't even matter, and still hasn't apologized. One of the guys that i liked for almost 3 years decided to get in contact with a girl that goes to my church and i'm super freaked out that he's just gonna show up one day. and my best friend's teacher is refusing to give her any help when her grade is slipping and she has done nothing but try her best from day 1. Bottom line: people just frustrate me sometimes. and i'm sure I frustrate people sometimes, but seriously. People just need to be nice. Because going off on someone gets you nowhere, it only adds more unneeded tension and stresses you out.

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