Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Developing the Preacher

I have continued to read And the Shofar Blew with much interest. I know that I had been hoping for a change in the preacher, but one just hasn't come yet. He has actually gotten progressively worse! It just makes me so angry and I want to go scream in his face myself and tell him to get a clue! But I have a feeling he wouldn't even care. Plus, he is a fictional character and nothing I say can change the course of the already written book.

My mom says that sometimes a loved one does all they can to get through to someone, but it just doesn't work. God has a plan for them and he, in his time, will make the person see the light and realize the wrong they have been doing. But only he can control this. I feel like this is definitely what is going on in this book. His poor wife can only say so much, but he refuses to listen to any of it. He just doesn't believe he has done any wrong and that it is all his wife's fault. Stupid boys.

If this book doesn't end with a change in his heart, I am going to be devastated. There are these darling old people in the novel who have befriended the wife and son, and are trying to do the same with the preacher, but just haven't gotten through. Nice old people just make my day. I worked the band competition this last weekend and had two senior citizens come through with this supposed "senior pass" that isn't even real. They had to be 90+ years old. They were holding hands and walking in to see their grandchild perform. We let them in for free and it was just so cute. It gives me hope that love can last forever and I just hope that my husband and I can last that long and still want to hold each other's hand.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah. I missed last Friday, so I thought I would comment today! So, I'M SUPER EXCITED FOR BREAKING DAWN!!! WE HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO KEEP ME UP THE WHOLE NIGHT!!!!I need to drink a lot of caffine or somethng! But anyway just wanted to say hi! byeee!!!
    love, your best friend.!
