Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've started a new book this week called The Assassins Gallery. The book starts with a chilling, gruesome murder of two CoastGuard members at 4am. I'm only about 50 pages into the novel, but it seems like the book is going to be about terrorism. One man is in charge of training spies to go over to America. But while he is training, there is also a secret mission going on at the same time. I love mystery novels but I feel like this one is about to go into the government and political hierarchy and it may get kind of confusing and boring. I absolutely HATE politics. They are a complete waste of time to discuss and the two parties, well those are a joke. Any person can stand for whatever they want on any particular issue. Just because your "party" normally votes one way doesn't automatically solidify your beliefs in that area. I just think debating all that nonsense is pointless, because in the end, the people in office get to make the decisions. Us back at home complaining isn't going to change it except for the one time of year where we get to vote, and most of us aren't 18 anyways, so we truly can't change anything.

This may be weird, but I find people's motives for killing other people interesting. I like to take a peek inside their brains and just see how they see the world. And see their way of handling issues and how they justify themselves so that they can sleep at night. I know that I myself could never bring myself to kill a person, so the motivations behind other people's attacks interest me. And assassins do this for a living! Where this book will take me, i'm not really sure, but i'm still looking for a book to do my book talk on, so maybe this one will be worthy. I'm not about to waste my valuable time making a movie for a book that no one else should waste their time reading. That defeats the whole purpose of the assignment. And if the books stinks, well, i'll just drop it and find another. There's too many books out there to settle for a lousy one. This theory works for men too :)

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