Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shofar Blowing

Well, I decided that the Assassin's Gallery was a little too boring for me. Maybe it would have gotten good eventually, but a book needs to take off from the beginning for me, or I never gain interest. I picked another Francine Rivers book called And the Shofar Blew and have fallen in love yet again. This one is about a man who is called to move and be a preacher at a broken, old people's church with less than 50 members. When he arrives, he starts trying to build the church up to meet his dad's extremely high expectations. But along the way, he treats his wife and child like dirt and completely takes himself out of their lives, submerged himself in his preacher duties. He also refuses to listen to anything the elders say, which results in their leaving the church.

The cover has a picture of this bugle looking thing, which i'm guessing is the shofar. I don't really know how the title is going to play into the book. I just went and saw the movie Courageous. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it is about 5 men who commit themselves to being the best fathers they can be. They each have their own problems that make them realize how much God is in control and how they need to make the most of the time they have with their children. These men are police officers and experience violence on a day to day basis. Most of the felons didn't have a positive father figure in their lives, which is what makes the men want their children to have an exceptional father. Connecting that movie with the horrible father figure in this preacher just depresses me because he doesn't know how much of an impact his absence has on his kid. I can only hope that throughout the novel God is going to change his heart and make him realize that his wife and son are most important and that the number attending the church matters nothing if they do not have strong beliefs.

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